ΕΠΛ 428: IoT Programming

Assistant Professor Panayiotis Kolios

Πρόγραμμα Μαθημάτων


1 Περιγραφή Συμβολαίου,  Εισαγωγή στον Προγραμματισμό Συστημάτων IoT

Στόχοι Μαθήματος, Συμβόλαιο Μαθήματος, Βιβλιογραφία, Περιεχόμενο Μαθήματος.
Internet of Things (IoT) definition and objectives. Applications, use case scenarios and value propositions.

Lecture 1
  IoT Architecture Lecture 2
2 IoT Architecture Lecture 2
  IoT Access Networks Lecture 3
3 Device Architecture Lecture 4
  Data Analytics for IoT Lecture 5
4 Time Series Analysis: Stationarity & Smoothing Lecture 6
  Time Series Analysis: AR-MA Lecture 7
5 Time Series Analysis: ARIMA Lecture 8
Time Series Analysis: ARIMA Lecture 8
6 Time Series Analysis: Unit root test Lecture 9
Kalman Filter Lecture 10
7 Signal Transforms & DSP Lecture 11
Signal Transforms & DSP Lecture 11
8 Meta's PROPHET Toolbox Lecture 12
Ενδιάμεση Εξέταση - Μέχρι Διάλεξη 12
9 Time Series Analysis: Neural Networks Lecture 13
  Time Series Analysis: Neural Networks Lecture 13
10 Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Lecture 14
  Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Lecture 14
11  Time Series Classification & Clustering Lecture 15
  Time Series Classification & Clustering Lecture 15
12 Decision & Optimization Lecture 16
  Dynamics & Control Lecture 17
13 IoT Security Lecture 18
  Review class
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