
Exercises given in labs sessions must be submitted to Moodle for assessment.

Final Project

  Assignment Date Delivery Date Description Material
1 Deadline for sending team line-ups and selected topics by 19/02/2024 14/04/2024 @ 23:59

Team Projects (2 or 3 persons per team):

A successful submission of your project will consist of three parts:

  1. Source code of your implementation along with instructions of how to compile and run your program.
  2. The input data you have used for your experiments in the right input format. For each input file you provide you should also submit the corresponding output file of your program.
  3. A description of your project (6 pages, two columns), specifying in detail your goals, approach, milestones, evaluation methodology and experimental results. A document that describes how you did your experiments and what are your obtained results.
  4. Project presentation (15 min per team + 5 min Q/A)

See description in Lab2